Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Prom, Spring Formal, Senior luncheon, etcetera!

Piling into a room with your favorite girlfriends, curling and pinning each others hair, putting on a beautiful dress and slipping into fun shoes is a right of passage for most teens as they prepare for prom. But for some it is a time of anxiety. Ignoring the other kids that chatter and plan for the event, because the money isn’t there for the clothes, shoes, and other accessories that make up most of the fun. 

A friend of mine is working to help turn that around and gather items so that all can enjoy 
the fun.

If you have any formal wear collecting dust in your closet? A pretty dress or evening 
suit you wore once but have no other use for? A daughter that has left a closet of formals 

hanging in your new guest room? Then consider donating to my friend Londa Salazar. She is collecting formal wear for students who may not be able to buy a formal outfit of their own. It’s a worthy cause and a great way to clean out your closet and feel GREAT about doing it. You can find out more and reach Londa via her Facebook Page. 

Embellished Prom Gown

Monday, January 6, 2014

Political side step...Drawing you into my PEACE state of mind...

This post sprung from a morning reading of posts from Facebook Friends and Twitter. It has nagged at me for awhile. 

Back to that whole draw you into my peace state of mind....My peace was interrupted by some of the postings this morning and I had a mental rant - Frustrated by all the political discontent. We have elections. WE VOTE in this country. Then as it's citizens whether we agree or not we should stand up and support our country and nation with the majority choice. Yes, have beliefs. Yes, bring those beliefs into our lives and share them with our family, friends, and YES, vote for the changes we would like to see in our government. 

I am not saying a peaceful demonstration is not important in our process during times of bigger division. But, sniping and hateful comments against each other and our leaders via Twitter, Facebook, or whatever other social media is out there seems to breed hate, division and to support negativity and draw the focus away from the real issues. It breeds mob mentality and does not honor the goals of our democracy. Love to read the posts by friends that support their cause, even if they are not a shared cause. It is tiresome to read posts that beat up on another just because we don't agree. 

If you ever get the chance to travel to other parts of this world I hope you seize them. You may find that the freedoms, beliefs, and people of the United States are very privileged and that without care we will loose that privilege. Without respect and support of each other and our country and it's democracy we may find ourselves without that democracy and wondering how we let it fall apart. 

I get it that Christianity (Not Religion) in general equates for some to be close minded, backwards, prejudiced, malicious, and at times worse than evil - the title Christian is often manipulated for various purposes just like a lot of other titles in this world. 

That's the beauty of our country. We have the freedom to choose. We have freedom of religion or the lack there of. Yes, we have the choice to choose our leaders and because our leaders start out as ordinary people they have beliefs, views, and political agendas. So choose your beliefs wisely with thought and consideration and don't hate simply because someone else varies in their belief. Take the time to know your candidates and then vote with that information in mind. End Rant.